Updating the App

Instructions vary depending on how you installed the application. Please locate the appropriate instructions below that fit your specific needs.

Installed using conda

If you want to make absolutely sure that everything works as expected, you should always re-run the installation instructions to create an entirely new environment. This may also bear the benefit that your old version is still available if needed since, sometimes, as was the case from v1.0.x to v1.1.x, changes may be breaking changes. Meaning that data you created previously may not transfer 1:1 to the new version. However, with v1.1.9 comes a parameter with which you can change the target version for the files that you generated (visual_identification_version()). See Installation for installation instructions.

conda-integrated update mechanism

The conda update command might not work for TRex, especially for major version changes, but if you want to try it anyway, open up an anaconda shell and activate your environment, e.g.:

conda activate tracking

and now all you need to do is:

# Windows, macOS, Linux
conda update -c trexing trex

and follow the instructions on screen.


Older versions of TRex may use different python versions, which can cause the conda update process to fail since it does not automatically update python along with TRex. In such a case, the easiest way is to reinstall the application as described in Installation and thus replace your current conda environment with a new one.

Installed manually

If you compiled the software yourself, then you simply need to execute:

git pull --recurse-submodules
cd Application/build
cmake --build . --config Release

Make sure that - if you customized the source code in your version - your changes do not block git from updating the repository in step one.